Hi, I'm Albert Carter

Programmer and financial environmental activist.

Latest Stories

Defunding Putins War

The unfortunate fact is that your money probably provided financing for Gazprom, which is funding Putin’s bombs, which are dropping on cities and children and as you read this. That same money is also financing the climate crisis. Both are causing grain prices to spike, resulting in a food crisis that’s causing millions to go hungry, and contributing to a refugee crisis as the dominoes continue to tumble.


Learning Dutch the Slow Way

I am not a polyglot and I do not have a natural predisposition to language learning. In language classroom settings, Im a middling student. However, over the past year, I have managed to teach myself A2 to B1 level Dutch without attending in-person classes. Here's how."


October Update

As chill winds descend from the north and leaves turn to yellow and red, fall, and crunch underfoot, I wish we could huddle together, sharing hot drinks and thoughts, and feeling comfort in one another’s presence. Instead, we congregate over Zoom calls and emails, seeking connectedness in the harsh cold glares of our computer screens. So I'm emailing you again; to tell you about my last few months; to try to keep the interpersonal connections that I have; to try and grow the connections that I don't have; and to connect with you in whatever way is available to me."
